Herr Prof. Dr. Eckart Brödermann
ABC-Strasse 15
20354 Hamburg
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Education & Practical Background
Since 2016 Certified Specialist in International Business Law (Certified under the German Specialized Lawyer’s Rules)
Since 2011 Professor at Hamburg University
2011 Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London
Since 1996 Partner, Brödermann Jahn RA GmbH, initially founded as law firm Brödermann
1994 Dr. iur., Hamburg University
1990-96 Associate with a major German law firm (up to offer of partnership)
1990 Admission to the Hamburg Bar
1987-90 Articled Clerkship in Hamburg, Germany
(with various judges incl. a judge at the Hamburg Court of Appeals, with the Hamburg Antitrust Office and with a large law firm)
1987 First [German] State Examination (focus on comparative law and private international law and international procedure)
1987 Summer course at Hague Academy of International Law
1985-87 Independent Counsel (Rechtsbeistand) admitted in Hamburg to practice New York and US Federal Law (to finance the German studies; with a practice focusing on US-German
transactions and investments)
1984-87 Studies of German Law at Hamburg University
1984 Admission to the New York Bar
1983-84 Foreign Associate with Steptoe & Johnson, Washington, D.C.
1982-83 LL.M. (Harvard Law School), Study of US law and international arbitration, Member of the East Asian Legal Studies Program, Master thesis on Chinese maritime law
1981-82 Comparative Studies in Hamburg (Roman law, comparative law, economics, philosophy) and preparation of the first German publication
1981 Maîtrise en droit at University of Paris V (Malakoff)
1980 Licence en droit, University of Paris V (Malakoff)
1980 Lauréat du Concours Général (Title awarded by French University Ministry after winning a [French] national competition in History of Law)
1979 Summer School at the University of Thessaloniki (Greece) on Outer Space Law (incl. preparation of first publication on “Instant Customary Law”); summer internship with the Greek law firm Tinagenis in Piraeus (maritime law)
Positions held in the past:
- Managing Director Chinese European Arbitration Centre, Hamburg, Germany (2014 – 2019)
- Vice Chair, International Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Committee of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (2012 – 2016)
- Chair, Space Law Committee (formerly Outer Space Committee) of the International Bar Association (2008-2009; after several years on the board)
- Regarding the preparation of the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets, opened to signature in Berlin in March 2012: observer representing the International Bar Association (Space Law Committee) at, first, the Government/industry forum (The Views of Government and industry on how best to finalise an expansion of the Cape Town Convention to cover space assets) held in New York in June 2007, secondly, the third session of the UNIDROIT Committee of governmental experts for the preparation of a draft Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets, held in Rome in December 2009, and, thirdly, the diplomatic Conference to adopt the draft Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets, held in Berlin in February and March 2012
- Regarding the preparation of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2010: observer representing the International Bar Association (Space Law Committee) of the UNIDROIT Working Group (2007-2010)
- Regarding the preparation of Model Clauses for the Choice of Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts: observer representing the Chinese European Arbitration Centre (2013)
- Expert to the European Commission (network of stakeholders within the Common Frame of Reference-project), 2004-2006 (with contributions on surety-ship law)
- Member, Expert Group of the German Federal Bar on Deregulation and Competition (BRAK Ausschuss Deregulierung und Wettbewerb) (2003-2010)