

Braucht Deutschland einen International Commercial Court? - Chancen und Anforderungen Location: Großen Sitzungssaal des Landgerichts Hamburg, Sievekingplatz 2, 20355 Hamburg Invitation

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10th Anniversary

China's Belt and Road Initiative - Opportunities and Challenges for International Dispute Resolution and Contracting - International Arbitration Conference Invitation

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Hamburger Schiedsgespräche

"Schiedsverfahren und Drittfinanzierung – Chancen, Risiken, Best Practices" Wednesday, 05th October 2016, 8:30 to 10 p.m. at law firm TaylorWessing (Am Sandtorkai 41, 20457 Hamburg).

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Hamburg Arbitration Talks: European Law and Arbitration

On 2nd February, 2011, 8.30- 10.00 a.m. the HAC – hosted a conference titled: Hamburg Arbitration Talks: European Law and Arbitration Der Hamburg Arbitration Circle führte am 02.02.2011 eine Veranstaltung zum Thema EU-Recht und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit durch. Diese...

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Dispute Resolution in the Baltic Business

On march 5, 2009 the HAC – in co-operation with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Sea Forum „Pro Baltica“ hosted a conference on: Dispute Resolution in the Baltic Business Invitation (PDF) Arbitration in Hamburg Dispute Resolution in the Baltic Business...

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Arbitration in the Latin America Business

On January 15, 2007 the Hamburg Arbitration Circle and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce hosted a conference titled: Arbitration in the Latin America Business Invitation (PDF) Arbitration in Hamburg Arbitration in the Latin America Business HAC Hamburg Arbitration...

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Arbitration and Conciliation in the China-Business

On January 23, 2006 the Hamburg Arbitration Circle and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce hosted a conference titled: Arbitration and Conciliation in the China-Business Invitation (PDF) Arbitration in Hamburg Arbitration and Conciliation in the China-Business HAC Hamburg...

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